
Our Services’ content and information are provided “as is” for informational purposes and at your own risk. The information’s accuracy, completeness, or quality are not guaranteed by GOSPELHYPE. Any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information or your reliance on it are not the responsibility of GOSPELHYPE. It is entirely up to you to determine whether the information is suitable for your own use.

Without prior notice, we reserve the right to take any of the following actions at any time and for any reason at our sole discretion:

a) Limit, suspect, or terminate your access to our Services in whole or in part;

b) Modify, suspend, or end our Services in whole or in part;

c) For any reason, reject, move, or remove any content you submit to our websites;

d) Refuse to move or remove any content from our websites;

e) Set general guidelines and usage restrictions for our websites.

You agree that we will not be held accountable for any of these things to you or any third party. Service announcements and administrative messages from us or our partners are included in our Services, and you acknowledge and agree that these communications are included in the Services. There will be no way to stop receiving these messages. You are also aware that advertisements may be included in our services.

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